Each competitor will be allowed three attempts at each height.
Each competitor may enter the event at any height in the competition.
A competitor may pass any height they choose, but each height attempted must be cleared before attempting the next height. If a competitor has passed a height it is not considered a miss or a make and will not count for or against the competitor.
When a competitor has missed three attempts at one height then he will be eliminated from the competition.
A competitor will not pass individual attempts without also leaving the competition.
All measurements will be made from the ground to the top of the crossbar.
The starting height will be agreed upon by the competitors and the judge with the judge having the final decision.
The bar may be raised by larger increments until most of the competitors are eliminated and then raised by a lesser amount requested by the competitors and agreed to by the judge.
The crossbar may be suspended at both ends or by one end. It may be suspended at both ends by either pulleys and rope attached or rested on pegs attached to the uprights or both. If the implement pulls down the crossbar as it goes over, it is the judge's decision whether the toss will be counted or not. If the crossbar is suspended by resting on pegs ("touch-bar"), then the toss will not be counted if the crossbar is knocked off either peg. The crossbar will remain on the pegs after an attempt until the competitor leaves the throwing area (determined by the judge's discretion).
The crossbar will be 10'-0" in length or shorter.
The center of the implement will go over the bar within the inside of the uprights or the inside of the upright and the end of the bar if only one upright is used.
The implement may touch the crossbar as it goes over.
Ties will be broken by comparing the number of misses at the last height cleared. The competitor with the least amount of misses at that height will place highest. If this number of misses are equal, then the next highest height is then compared and the competitor with the least amount of misses at that height will place highest. If other ties occur, then this process is repeated for each previous height until all places are determined.